Colorado Wage Garnishment: Colorado Child Support Garnishment

The process for child support garnishment in Colorado begins if the noncustodial parent is not paying child support as ordered. The noncustodial parent will be assigned an order for child support collection, which will be served on their employer. Once the noncustodial parent’s employer has been served with the order, the employer becomes responsible for enforcing wage garnishment until the order is satisfied.

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Colorado Child Support

In Colorado, child support may be obtained by anyone primarily responsible for the care of a minor child, through a child support order from the child’s parent(s).

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Colorado Child Support Collections and Fees

Both the noncustodial parent and their employer are bound by an order for Colorado child support collection once it is served. Colorado wage garnishment law requires the employer to follow strict guidelines for withholding and remitting payment. When the employee stops working for the employer, the employer should immediately contact the Colorado Office of Child Support. Only by notifying the agency can the employer relieve itself of the responsibility of enforcing the child support garnishment order.

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Colorado Child Support Garnishment Limits, Exemptions and Protections

Colorado wage garnishment law protects the noncustodial parent from employer discrimination, and also protects their income from being completely depleted by child support garnishments. While collecting child support is taken very seriously in Colorado, any violations of the garnishment limits or discrimination against employees subject to wage garnishment can result in heavy punishment.

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