How to Write a Power of Attorney

A power of attorney is a legal document granting a trusted individual the right and responsibility of caring for the assets and overall well-being of another person when they become incapacitated. While all power of attorney documents differ in their precise wording, there are some common provisions that you can use to guide your decisions, the first being, granting the assigned person authority to act on your behalf.

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What is the procedure for establishing power of attorney?

The circumstances have arisen where you foresee a time when you may need someone else to have power of attorney over your affairs in order to make decisions and take action on your behalf. Here are the steps you should follow to successfully give another power of attorney over your affairs.

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Ohio Health Care Power of Attorney

In Ohio, if you would like to designate someone else to make important medical decisions on your behalf should you become incapacitated, the form you will need to file is the Ohio Health Care Power of Attorney form.

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