Marijuana and Illinois Drug Courts

Illinois jurisdictions that have drug courts receive direction and assistance from the Administrative Office of Illinois Courts. Drug courts are relatively new to the American judicial system, having been around nationally only since the 1990s.

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Is K2 illegal in Illinois?

The substance popularly known as K2 (JWH-018) and other cannabinoids are legal in Illinois for the remainder of 2010. A new law passed earlier in 2010 makes K2 and other cannabinoids illegal as of January 1, 2011.

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Michigan Medical Marijuana Laws

Like many states, Michigan allows the legal use of medical marijuana. Michigan Initiated Law 1 of 2008—known as the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act—made it legal to grow and use marijuana for debilitating medical conditions.

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Is K2 illegal in North Carolina?

The substance popularly known as K2 (JWH-018), and other cannabinoids, is still legal in North Carolina, despite the rise in illegalization of K2 in other states. K2 might also be called genie, spice, zohai, fake weed, or synthetic pot, and is typically sold as incense or potpourri. K2 may sometimes be referred to as ‘synthetic marijuana,’ but this term is misleading and confuses K2 with tetrahydrocannabinols, which have been illegal under North Carolina state law for some time.

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