Steps to Expunge a Felony Conviction

The steps to expunging a felony conviction requiring filing a petition at the right time. The costs to expunge a felony typically include court costs, application fees, and attorney’s fees. Find out about limitations on expungement, alternatives, and rationales by clicking here.

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Prior Convictions: How Can They Be Used in My Criminal Case?

Whether a defendant’s prior conviction is admissible in a new criminal case depends on a number of factors. These are the crime of which the defendant is now accused, whether the defendant in the current case testified in a previous case, and the purpose for which the conviction is asked to be admitted. The rules regarding the admissibility of prior convictions are evidence rules. They vary from state to state.

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Obtaining a Passport with a Criminal Conviction

A criminal conviction will not prevent an individual from obtaining a passport. A passport is an identity document that certifies a person’s citizenship and nothing more. In fact, the passport application form does not include questions about the applicant’s criminal history. This means, most convicted criminals, including felons, may obtain a passport unless the terms of sentencing, probation, or parole deny the person a right to a passport. There are two exceptions to this rule.

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