Do I Need an Attorney to Expunge My Criminal Record in Tennessee?

If you are at all unclear on who to contact to get the forms you need, or if you are unclear as to the actual terms of the expungement or requirements for it (such as the probationary restrictions or special issues for juvenile applicants), then you should at least seek out a consultation with a Tennessee attorney who specializes in criminal record history expungement.

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Expunging or Sealing Juvenile Criminal Records in Tennessee

For arrests and charges filed against juveniles, one of the following must be true in order to file for an expungement in Tennessee: (1) a petition alleging delinquency was not filed, (2) the proceedings were dismissed after a petition for delinquency was filed or after the case was transferred to Juvenile Court, (3) the juvenile was adjudicated (determined by a court) not to be a delinquent, or (4) the juvenile was charged with a felony and adjudicated not to be a delinquent, but whose fingerprint records were kept until the juvenile turned 18 years old

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Eligibility for Expunging or Sealing Adult Criminal Records in Tennessee

There are five general conditions for getting your criminal history record expunged in Tennessee. If you were charged with a misdemeanor or a felony, and properly petition the court that had jurisdiction over you when you committed the offense, then all public record of the arrest and charges against you will be removed if any of the following were true: (1) the charge was dismissed, (2) a ‘no true bill’ was returned by a grand jury, (3) a verdict of not guilty was returned, either by a judge in a bench trial or by a jury, (4) you were arrested and released without being charged, or (5) a ‘nolle prosequi’ was entered in your case and you are petitioning the same court that entered it for expungement.

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