I am not sure about how many feet i can go away from my monitor while on house arrest???

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I am not sure about how many feet i can go away from my monitor while on house arrest???

I am on house arrest in anoka county MN and I have a 3 year old son and I was just placed on house arrest yesterday for a total of 90 days. I was told i could not go beyond the outside of my front or back doors but i tested it and walked all over my yard in back and nothing happened.. I am trying to get an idea on how many feet you are allowed from an monitor ( the one plugged in to the pohne line) and what happens if you violate.., i need to know this information since i ahve a son and he and i go out side i need to know how far i can play with him

Asked on April 23, 2009 under Criminal Law, Minnesota


M.D., Member, California and New York Bar / FreeAdvice Contributing Attorney

Answered 15 years ago | Contributor

Ideally you should have asked these questions when the monitor was placed on you.  Anyway, whoever represented you in  case can get you that information.  If your represented yourself contact your local public Defender's office for more information.  I'm sure that they can help you out on this. 

The fact that you can go as far as the front and backyards mean that either the system has a little give in it (ie traveling certain short distances don't set off any detectors) or it could be that you just got lucky and didn't get caught. For the time being iI wouldn't press the point until I spoke with at least one of the two sources I mentioned above.

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